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Lodge History

Compiled by the Secretary from minute books and actual events.

1980 The beginning


May 20th.   The first conversation emerged about forming a new lodge with some connection to Agincourt Lodge no 7172, among members of that lodge on a visit to the Lodge of Friendship & Care no 8802 at Sindlesham in Berkshire.


May 23rd.  The initial group met to explore the possibility of forming a new lodge.  These were W.Bro Alan Bevins, Bro Derek Craven, Bro Mike Lindsay and Bro Arthur Towner.  They defined the purpose as: 'to begin exploration of the factors relating to setting up a new lodge and to find out how to go about it'.


Some facts had already been gathered together and the probable aims were initially drafted as:

  • to be sponsored by Agincourt Lodge,

  • to meet regularly from September to April excluding December,

  • to adopt Emulation working with variations from Founders own lodges, but avoiding becoming a copy of the sponsoring lodge,

  • to support the Albert Edward Lodge of Instruction meeting at the  Agincourt Hall and named after the oldest lodge in the district,

  • to seek Founders from the locality,

  • to explore the possibility of meeting at Agincourt Hall, Bagshot or any other location.

It was a considered guess that the Founder's fee could be in the region of £55 to £65, plus officer's collar and jewel, plus Founder's jewel and plus the first year's subscription.


Several names were considered for the lodge title.  These were:  Henry V, Henry of Agincourt, St Crispin, Tramecourt, (all of which had reference to the battle of Agincourt) and Surrey Heath.


It was resolved to hold a meeting of prospective Founders as soon as possible.


August 28th.   The first meeting of ten prospective Founders was held in a room at Lakeside Country Club, Frimley Green.  W.Bro Alan Bevins was asked if he would act as the Organising Secretary and he agreed.  The several names for the lodge were considered. The name St Crispin was proposed by Bro Mike Lindsay and was agreed.

The objectives of forming a new lodge were developed as: spreading Freemasonry in the district, fostering enthusiasm and providing a means whereby demand for membership of the Craft would be satisfied.
It was proposed to ask Agincourt Lodge for their sponsorship and to inform other lodges in the area, so that Masons who may wish to become Founders may be made aware of the intended formation of a new lodge.


Bro Mike Lindsay was asked to look for a suitable motto and W.Bro Alan Bevins was asked to draft a badge with a simple design.


A banner would be made though probably not initially, and it was agreed that it would be of very simple design consisting only of a badge because Masonic ornaments are already amply illustrated in the lodge room itself.

1980 The formal stages


August 20th.   The committee of Agincourt Lodge was informally advised of the intention to form the new lodge and that sponsorship may be sought from them.  This was very well received, and offers were made by many to use their equipment to help out in the formative years.  This was accepted in principle with great pleasure.


It was decided that the Founders would buy the regalia worn by themselves in year one, meaning specifically the officer's collars and jewels.  The Agincourt Lodge offer to use their equipment would be taken up.  This was thought to be manageable as the two lodges would share a Tyler.


The Organising Secretary, W.Bro Alan Bevins was asked to inform Provincial Grand Secretary that it was intended to form a new lodge and to seek advice on what action was now needed. Subsequently, Provincial Grand Secretary sent a form to enquire details about the prospective Founders pointing out a few basic rules such as the minimum qualification being Master Masons of three year's experience, with a minimum of eight years for the three principal offices, and a predominance of Master Masons rather than Past Masters.  The number of prospective Founders was seventeen at this stage.


These first formal steps proved that although the help and guidance from Provincial Office was of an extremely high order, the road towards formation was not easy, there being no available guide-lines to follow other than asking other lodges who had recently run the same course of events.


November 26th.  A draft badge and motto were tabled for discussion.  The meeting explored many aspects of formation in good harmony, as usual.

1981 Continued preparation


February.   W.Bro Alan Bevins and Bro Mike Lindsay met with the secretary of Collingwood Lodge no 8961, which had been formed the previous Autumn, to learn from their experience.  Based on that knowledge, the fees were now calculated as in the region of : Founder's £75, officer's collar and jewel £15, Founder's jewel £30 and subscriptions £15 to £17.


A programme of regular meetings for the fourth Thursday in the month were now set up at Farnborough Masonic Centre committee rooms.  This series of dates were thought to be the most likely when the lodge has been fully set up.  By now there were twenty prospective Founders.


Agincourt Lodge committee put the St Crispin formation on their agenda as a fixed item for regular reports on progress.  There was a great deal of interest shown by their members.


March.    The number of lodge meetings was decided as seven and it was thought that the best months were, September, October, November, January, February, April and May. December and March would clash with Christmas and Easter.  October was agreed for the Installation meeting as, from time to time, it would fall on St Crispin's Day.


Nominations for the officers were proposed and agreed.


May 20th.   The programme of discussion at the regular meetings now included talking through the ritual and admin procedures.  It was decided to have a five minute talk on a specific subject at each lodge meeting except the Installation meeting.  All agreed that eventually, one meeting per year should be for lectures and that double ceremonies would be avoided except possibly for the Second Degree.

October 10th.    The formal meeting with Deputy Provincial Grand Master was held at Guildford Masonic Centre. He asked those present what their Masonic career had been; why individuals wished to be involved in forming a new lodge and why they wanted to form the lodge.  A number of fundamental principles were outlined at that meeting, not least of which was that the working was the choice of the Founders and was best achieved by incorporating work from their own personal experiences.  Thus forming a unique way which would attract members and cause visitors to be pleased to see the 'differences', there being no 'correct' way, but all lodges being different.

The blank petition form was handed to the Organising Secretary for completion, signing by Founders and presentation to the sponsoring lodge.

November.    The badge and motto were agreed, including the colours.  A drawing was sent to Province for approval.


The badge was meant to signify the following:

  • the animal skin demonstrated that the brothers St Crispin and St Crispinian were craftsmen in leather,

  • the crown was of the design usually attributed to the thirteenth century, and alluded to King Henry V who fought and won the Battle of Agincourt, and 

  • the motto is reported to have been spoken by Henry V when he knew the battle had ended in his favour.

The name of the new lodge, and hence the leather skin, was significant because the Battle of Agincourt was fought on St Crispin's Day (25th October) in 1415.  The two brothers were recorded in history as having made shoes for poor people, without payment.  They were later designated as the patron saints of leather workers.


1982 Consecration Year


January 13th.    The petition was put to Agincourt Lodge no 7172 to approve in open lodge assembled, having been placed as an agenda item.

It was presented by W.Bro Alan Bevins as Worshipful Master designate, in the centre of the lodge in a ceremony of a few words.  He was accompanied by W.Bro Stuart Stear who was acting as the Senior Warden designate, and by Bro Vic Soane as Junior Warden designate.  The petition held by W. Bro Alan Bevins was taken in turn to the Master W.Bro Arthur Towner, Senior Warden Bro Derek Craven, and Junior Warden Bro Mike Lindsay to sign.

These three principal officers of Agincourt Lodge, apart from signing as representatives of the sponsoring lodge were also themselves Founders of St Crispin, and moreover three of the original group who began the whole process in 1980.  The fourth member of that starting group was W.Bro Alan Bevins, who carried the petition.

The nominated Chaplain of St Crispin was W.Bro Harry Tribe who was a Founder of Agincourt Lodge.   He was also a member of Bagshot Lodge which sponsored the founding of Agincourt Lodge, and thus formed a notable link between the mother and daughter lodges.

April 29th.   The petition was acceded to by the Grand Master and the number 9046 was allocated.  The Warrant was signed the same day.  The names required to be put on the Warrant numbered seven of which three must be the principal officers.  It had been agreed that the original four who began the whole process must be among them, plus the Chaplain designate because of his link between the three generations of lodges, Bagshot no 4804, Agincourt no 7172, and St Crispin no 9046.

The seven named personnel were:  WM designate W.Bro Alan Bevins, SW designate  Bro Nigel Allen, JW designate Bro Vic Soane, W.Bro Arthur Towner, Bro Derek Craven, Bro Mike Lindsay, and W.Bro Harry Tribe.


May.   Several brethren offered donations at this stage:

  • the square and compasses for the Worshipful Master's pedestal from Bro  Mike Lindsay,

  • a silver goblet engraved with the badge, for the Worshipful Master at the Festive Board from Bro Ken Paynter,

  • an old family bible from Bro Ray Yeowell.  This bible was later restored to pristine condition by the monks of Farnborough Abbey.

June 9th.    The badge was agreed by Provincial Grand Master.  The Grand Lodge Quarterly Proceedings noted that a warrant had been granted.


June 26th.    The badge was approved by the Grand Master


November 12th.    The Consecration was carried out by the Provincial Grand Master at Croydon.  Two short rehearsals had been held in the preceding week.  There were 18 Founders and 137 guests present.

The draft bylaws were agreed by the Provincial Grand Master, and adopted by members at the Consecration Meeting.

The fees finally amounted to: Founders £65, officer's collar and jewel £15, Founder's jewel £26 and subscriptions £18.  When the accounts were later finalised, the net expenditure over income for the Consecration itself was only £5.07 on a total cost of about £3200.


The visitor's toast which was adopted was considered unique.  It took the form of a short question and answer sequence between the Master and the Wardens and did not require an answer by visitors.  It was based on a suggestion by the London Grand Rank Association.

1982 / 1983 The First Year


During the year Bro Nigel Allen left the district and unfortunately, attempts to find him failed.  Since he had not fully paid his Founder's fees and had not attended since the lodge was actually consecrated, Grand Secretary's Office suggested that he be erased from records and assumed he never became a Founder.  Although expressing a very keen interest during the formative years, service in the Army prevented him from continuing.

At the meeting on 25th November, a photo was taken of Founders by W.Bro Bob Goodall of Agincourt Lodge.  W.Bro Stuart Stear unfortunately was unavoidably absent.  At this meeting, the first ceremony was the Initiation of Bro David Yeowell, son of Bro Ray Yeowell.

Other Initiates in the year were, Bro Johnnie Kapec, Bro Bill Vincent and Bro Chris Goodburn.  Bro David Yeowell was subsequently passed to the Second Degree and Raised to the Third.  Bro Bill Vincent took his Second Degree.

There were four joiners, Bro Ray Williams, Bro Ken Eagle, Bro Roger Matthews and W.Bro Sid Lloyd.

Founder's jewels became available from the makers in March and were presented by the WM at the April meeting.  Bylaws which had been beautifully printed by Bro Gerry Rees-Jones were given to members at the same meeting.

Bylaws for the proposed St Crispin Charities Association and St Crispin Benevolent Fund were adopted at the September meeting and sent to the Charity Commissioners for approval.

During the Festive Board, the WM carried out his own take wines, yet another feature considered unique to St Crispin.

At each meeting, except the Installation, the DC W.Bro Mike Lindsay gave a short talk on a specific subject, which included: the Entered Apprentice's Song, the development of the Freemason's apron in Britain, questions leading from one degree to a higher degree, the Fellowcraft Degree, and the Installed Master's degree.

The Festive Boards were held at Camberley Heath Golf Club, a five minute drive away from the Agincourt Hall.  The meals and surroundings were excellent and appreciated by all.

In September it was necessary to go elsewhere because the Golf Club diary made it difficult to keep to the regular dates.  The Lodge reluctantly changed to the Duke of York Restaurant, which was a five minute walk from Agincourt Hall.  

In the event it proved a good move because the quality of the food and surroundings were equal to that experienced at the Golf Club.  The meals averaged out at £6 with a choice permitting a different meal from the standard menu on each occasion.  Fish was an alternative where a member or visitor declined to take the set meal and in the event was popular because the fish was one of the best of the range of meals.  Fish therefore became a regular set meal.

At the meeting in May, the Deacons were inexplicably unable to light the candles which were, like the other equipment borrowed from Agincourt Lodge.  Thus it was decided to use the artificial electric 'candles' which were part of the fixed lodge room furniture.


The Ladies Evening in July was an informal barbecue at the Berystede Hotel, Ascot, but as it became wet everyone had to go indoors where there was less room than desired.  The catering was first class and the band somewhat quieter than a similar occasion at the same location at an earlier date.  As with informal parties, W.Bro Mike Lindsay did the organising.


1983 / 1984 The Second Year


W.Bro Ray Yeowell became the WM.  He had been installed in his mother lodge, Perfect Cube, a month before the St Crispin Installation thus dispensation to install him was necessary.  However, his mother lodge had not been timely in reporting his installation to Grand Secretary's Office, so normal dispensation to go ahead could not be granted.  Grand Secretary's advice was for St Crispin to go ahead and dispensation 'nunc pro tunc', ie after the event, would be granted.  This was done.  Thus it was another unusual factor in the history of St Crispin.

Initiates this year were: Bro Peter Revuelta, Bro Roger Castillo, Bro Peter Portsmouth and Bro Dave Davies. Those who joined were: Bro Maury Mills, Bro Colin Griffiths and Bro Ray Innes.  As Bro Maury Mills had been Initiated into a lodge in Victoria, Australia,  he later received a Grand Lodge Joining Certificate.  Second Degree candidates were: Bro Johnnie Kapec and Bro Chris Goodburn.  Bro Bill Vincent was raised to the Third Degree.


In November, a formal visitor was W.Bro Lt Col DJ McLelland, Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
There were more donations to the lodge inventory.  W.Bro Ray Yeowell gave a large storage box.  Bro Mike Lowdon gave two sets of gavels and blocks, one set for the lodge meetings and one set for the Festive boards.  A rough ashlar was given by W.Bro George Wootton of Bagshot Lodge. W.Bro George stood in for the Tyler when he was on holiday.  Bro Peter Portsmouth gave two smooth ashlars. The ashlars are placed at the candidate's feet at the North East and South East in the First and Second Degrees respectively.


St Crispin acquired a share in Agincourt Hall Ltd from Border Lodge no 2475 of Hampshire Province on moving to Farnham.  The purchase was achieved for the sum of £300, and gave the lodge a voice in the running of the premises, and the Secretary was nominated the trustee of the share on behalf of the lodge.


During the year the DC gave his customary short talks.  These included: fellowcraft investiture and working tools, preparation for the First degree, wearing of gloves, Deacon's jewels, firing glasses and Grand Stewards.

W.Bro Sid Lloyd was appointed Provincial Senior Grand Deacon for the Province of Hampshire through his mother lodge.

Discussion on the lodge banner followed by enquiries of other lodges showed that the costs could vary between £325 and £1500.

The Founders in the early years of the formation of the lodge had chosen to adopt a very simple design.  Two options were put to the members, one was for a lady in Bournemouth to make it for £325 and she would make a donation of some of the money to guide dogs for the blind.  The second option was for Mrs Bevins to make it and the lodge donate money to a local organisation she nominated.  W.Bro Alan Bevins would donate the materials of around £25.  The latter option was chosen by the members and Mrs Bevins suggested the lodge assisted members of a local Ranger Girl Guide Unit in their costs of a visit to a similar unit in the USA  This was agreed.

The Ladies Night was held at the Dormy Hotel, Ringwood, Hants in late September 1984.   Members and their guests spent the weekend at the hotel, in all a very enjoyable and memorable occasion.  A great deal of effort was put into organising it by W.Bro Ray Yeowell, W.Bro Mike Lindsay, W.Bro Ken Paynter and others, including wives and family.

A Large sum of money was raised which was put towards the purchase of lodge equipment in the name of W.Bro Ray Yeowell.

1984 / 1985 The Third Year


W.Bro Vic Soane was installed Worshipful Master.  At the same meeting, which fell on St Crispin's Day, the Banner was dedicated by W.Bro David Haig, Assistant Provincial Grand Master.  The Festive Board because of larger than usual numbers was held at The Lakeside Country Club, Frimley Green.

The one Initiate during the year was Bro John Devonshire.  Those brethren passed to the Fellowcraft Degree were: Bro Peter Revuelta, Bro Roger Castillo, Bro Peter Portsmouth, and Bro Dave Davies.  Those raised to the Third Degree were: Bro Johnnie Kapec, Bro Chris Goodburn, and Bro Dave Davies. Bro Joe Wallace mine host at the Ely Restaurant joined the lodge.

The annual subscription was raised to £30 from 1st July, having been £18 previously.  It was felt that a big increase at that time would not only cover the cost of the share in Agincourt Hall but give a strong base for the future.

Bro Dave Davies gave a wooden charity plate to the lodge for use in the First Degree.

The customary DC talks included: when does a candidate become a member, turning the candidate in the Third Degree, Initiation of non-Christians, proving in the Second Degree, Holy Royal Arch, and test questions of the Third Degree.

Bro Roger Castillo went to Cairo to work for a while and it was intended to carry out his Third Degree as soon as he was available.

Ladies Night in early November, a little after W.Bro Vic had relinquished the chair, was held at the Rackstraws Restaurant, College Town where Bro Dave Kean the owner had laid on a magnificent meal and a good evening was enjoyed by all.  W.Bro Joe Wallace led the team of members making the arrangements.

W.Bro Mike Lindsay had continued to run half-marathons, in each case donating a proportion of the sponsorship money to charity in the name of St Crispin.  Members were now quite used to being persuaded to sponsor him.

1985 / 1986 The Fourth Year


W.Bro Mike Stilton was the first Master for whom this was his first Installation.

For the three previous Masters this was their second time in the chair, their first time being in their mother lodges.
There were several donations of equipment which brought the total inventory close to being complete for all normal purposes.  As a result of the Ladies Night in 1984, the following items were recorded as donations in W.Bro Ray Yeowell's name:  ballot balls (for which he had a box made), two cable tows, compasses for the Inner Guard, two EA aprons, two FC aprons, two pairs of slippers, two Wardens columns, a wood square for the Inner Guard, bible cushion, and a set of working tools (for which he had a box made).

Bro Mike Lowdon donated wand tops for the DC, ADC and the two Deacons (for which he had wands made).  Bro Peter Revuelta donated a sum of money and Third Degree items were purchased, a sheet, one pair of slippers, small tracing board, wood level, wood plumb rule, and a wood maul.  W.Bro Mike Stilton donated a set of candles.  W.Bro John Whittaker bought an apron cushion.

Candidates for Initiation during the year were: Bro Ray Evans and Bro John Scoffield.  Bro John Devonshire and Bro Ray Evans were passed to the Second Degree.  Three brethren were raised to the Third Degree: Bro Peter Portsmouth immediately after a knee operation, Bro John Devonshire, and Bro Roger Castillo who had now returned from working in Cairo.  Bro Ian Hollis joined the lodge.  His mother lodge was St Patricks no 295 in the Irish Constitution.

The official visitor on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master was W.Bro Tom Ebdon.

The DC talks included: traditions of St Crispin Lodge, steps in the Third Degree, speaking the words aloud in the third Degree, and the Holy Royal Arch.

Two members resigned during the year. W.Bro Stuart Stear, moved to the West Country, and W.Bro Joe Wallace sold the Ely Restaurant and bought a hotel in the Isle of Wight.

The Ladies Night was held on 7th November 1986, W.Bro Mike Stilton's daughter's eighth birthday, again at the Rackstraws Restaurant.

W Bro Ken Paynter moved to live in Cornwall.  He would be sorely missed and it was hoped he would be able to attend occasionally.

The Duke of York Restaurant was about to be closed for refitting so dining moved to the Ely Hotel and the price increased at the same time to £7.50.

1986 / 1987 The Fifth Year


W.Bro Ray Ody was installed as Master.  At the same meeting, W Bro Ray Yeowell took the office of Treasurer, W.Bro John Whittaker having held that office for the life of the lodge so far.

By popular demand, a Class of Instruction was formed for members to develop the St Crispin way of things. These meetings would take place monthly in an upstairs room of the Crown public house near Agincourt Hall.  The agenda was set to include degree working, lectures and discussions on specific topics followed by refreshments and discussion on festive board matters.

Initiations included: Bro Derek Lowdon, brother to Bro Mike Lowdon, Bro Alan Cole, and Bro Peter Walker.  Other degrees were: Bro John Scoffield and Bro Derek Lowdon, Second, with Bro Ray Evans and Bro John Scoffield Third.

Joiners were: W.Bro Tom Ellingworth, Bro Derek Hilton, Bro Bill Hull, and Bro Andy Cruickshank.  W.Bro Tom Ellingworth for personal reasons resigned from the lodge in March 1987.

Bro Ken Eagle donated two charity collection bags with the lodge number embroidered on the front.

W.Bro Terry Doyle an Honorary member who attended regularly was appointed Chairman of the Surrey Province 1997 Festival Committee with W.Bro Rowland Tysoe another Hon member as its secretary.  They were Hon members as they were part of the Consecrating team.  Both brethren were also appointed Assistant Provincial Grand Masters.  The official visitor this year on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master was W.Bro Rowland Tysoe.

Ladies Night was held at Sindlesham Masonic centre on 25th April.

Bro Maury Mills died suddenly on 18th April 1987, a surprise to all, and W.Bro Derek Craven, a Founder resigned at the end of June.

The DC talks included: the trowel as a Masonic symbol, the letter 'G', explanation of the Third Degree apron, and passwords related to the Third Degree.

Once more the dining venue closed for rebuilding, so at the September meeting, the venue became Mr Bumbles, a former pub, now owned by the Rackstraws Restaurant who's owner was Bro Dave Kean, a member of a lodge in Farnborough.  The room was adequate for normal meetings but for installations the venue was the Rackstraws itself.

In September, W.Bro Ray Ody was elected by a majority to be Master for a second year at a rare but stimulating ballot with two candidates having been nominated.  The Senior Warden Bro Ray Williams was just about to move to Weston-Super-Mare and felt unable to attend enough to fulfil the role properly and the Junior Warden Bro Gerry Rees-Jones had been diagnosed as having cancer and although under treatment wanted to wait a year.

The year was significant in that all the necessary equipment had been acquired and there was no need to borrow from Agincourt Lodge.  This resulted from a distinct policy of the Founders to limit charitable contributions so as to get our own house in order first.

The membership stood at 39

1987 / 1988 The Sixth Year


As W.Bro Ray Ody was continuing for another year, Installation was not necessary so a 'proclamation and salutation' was held.  At that meeting, W Bro Alan Bevins produced the History and Members Guide after months of preparation.  Most of the cost of the blue binders was donated by Bro Ray Williams and members contributed further amounts.

The representative of the Provincial Grand Master at the meeting in October was W.Bro Hayden Sharp, an Hon member.  He was Inner Guard at the Consecration.  At the Festive board he read an amusing 'story' as to how the Grand Stewards got their red aprons.

Degrees worked during the year were: Bro Leslie Newcombe, First and Second, Bro Derek Lowdon, Third, Bro Alan Cole, Second and Third, Bro Peter Walker, Second and Bro Peter Revuelta, Third.

In the Autumn, an interesting visit was organised by W.Bro Mike Lindsay for a party of 12 members and 7 wives, to Grand Lodge Museum and Temple, followed by lunch at an Italian restaurant nearby.

W.Bro Harry Tribe celebrated his 80th birthday in January and members and guests alike sang 'Happy Birthday' with the greatest of feeling.

The Ladies Night on 23rd April was held at Sindlesham, providing a second opportunity for W.Bro Ray Yeowell our second WM (in 1983/4) who volunteered to host the evening with Lorna his wife.  This was a week after our mother lodge at the same location which caused some consternation in terms of how to fit two similar events into such a short time.  The attendance and level of enjoyment was a first class tribute to W.Bro Ray.


W.Bro Ray Yeowell stepped down from the Treasurers post in January and Bro Derek Hilton took the task on, a somewhat similar one to that he did for the local bowls club.

Bro Gerry Rees-Jones was undergoing medical treatment for throat cancer, so, in January Bro Mike Lowdon took the SW chair for the rest of the year.

The inventory of lodge equipment saw a further donation, of a poniard by W.Bro Harry Tribe.

Discovery showed that the bylaws and the collection and accounting for subs and the dining money did not match up completely, so after a short debate, a change to the bylaws was agreed and submitted to Provincial Grand Master for approval, which was duly done.

The talks by the DC continued as before with the subjects this year of: how Grand Stewards got their red aprons - the real story, turning the candidate in the Third Degree, the Master's Light, and officers of a lodge and how they came about.


Regretfully, resignations during the year were: W.Bro Bob Davies, W.Bro Ray Williams who retired and decided to go and live at Weston-Super-Mare (someone has to) and W.Bro John Smith.  We were sorry to see these experienced members go.  To replace them, however, Bro George Andrew joined and there were three candidates for Initiation in the pipeline.

Class of Instruction continued at the Crown or Agincourt Hall but with a smaller attendance than was wished.
The dining venue remained as Mr Bumbles although there were two evenings, in the middle of the year, when the service was not up to the usual standard.

All in all, a stable year for W.Bro Ray Ody in his second year as WM.


1988 / 1989 The Seventh Year


W.Bro Mike Lowdon presided over a dynamic year with several highly attended meetings, and a very healthy list of potential candidates.  There were so many proposals from new members that it was agreed to depart from normal practice and to have double Initiation ceremonies.

At the Installation meeting in October, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master VW.Bro Philip Toler paid a visit.

W.Bro Harry Tribe stepped down from the office of Chaplain which he had so ably held since our Consecration. W.Bro Mike Lindsay who had been a stalwart DC since the same date replaced him in that office.  Both were thanked for their sterling efforts in these offices during our developing years.

The following brethren were welcomed as Initiates:  Bro Brian James, Bro Bob Reed, Bro Bruce Cousins, Bro Colin Wantling, and Bro Bill Alexander.  Bro Henry Rogers was welcomed as a joiner.  At the end of the year there were three more candidates waiting for their 'turn'.  Bro Brian James and Bro Bob Reed were subsequently passed to the Second Degree, and Bro Peter Walker and Bro Leslie Newcombe raised to the Third.

Sadly, W.Bro Ray Williams our first joiner, who had recently resigned to live in Somerset, died suddenly on his way home from a meeting of his mother lodge.  W.Bro Alan Holland our Tyler since Consecration also died suddenly, a month after he had been installed in the chair of his mother lodge.  Both sadly missed.

The usual DC talks included: placing the ashlars on the floor of the lodge and their significance.  Lack of attendance lead to closure of the Class of Instruction.

Ladies Night held at the Army School of Catering centre was extremely successful.  This was of great encouragement to W.Bro Mike and Joyce. A very generous sum of £700 was raised which they nominated for the Make a Wish Foundation for terminally ill children.

The Festive Board in October was held at Rackstraws which accommodates larger numbers and the others continued at Mr Bumbles as normal. The cost was increased to £8.50 during the year for a menu which included starter, main course, sweet, cheese and biscuits and coffee.

Subscriptions remained at £30, with the Initiation fee at £50 and the joining fee at £30, for the fourth year running.

1989 / 1990 The Eighth Year


W.Bro Ray Innes was the first joining member and the first non-Founder to reach the chair.  It was a good strong, positive and well run year.

The Installation meeting once again saw the representative of the Provincial Grand Master, this time, W.Bro Dennis Padmore.

Initiation candidates were  Bro Ron Timmis, Bro Joe Webster, and Bro Keith Watson.  Bro Dan McSherry was a joiner.  Bro Bruce Cousins, Bro Colin Wantling, Bro Bill Alexander and Bro Ron Timmis were passed to the Second Degree.  Third Degree candidates were Bro Brian James and Bro Bob Reed.

W.Bro Alan Bevins was promoted to PPJGD, the first in the name of St Crispin Lodge.  W Bro Arthur Towner became PPAGDC in the Agincourt Lodge and W.Bro John Whittaker PPDepGDC in his lodge in Hampshire.

Three members left us.  W.Bro Ian Marshall and Bro Gerry Rees-Jones both highly regarded Founders went to the Grand Lodge above and will be greatly missed.  Bro Peter Portsmouth resigned.

The usual short talks included: turning the candidate in the Third Degree and the significance of gloves.

Ladies Night held at the Civic Hall, Camberley was one of the best attended and was an evening for Ray and Sally to be proud of.

Festive Boards continued to be eventful.  On Installation night, there was a gas leak at Rackstraws so the caterer at Agincourt Hall kindly agreed to help out.  The price increased during the year to £9.50.  In September the owner of Mr Bumbles decided to employ a live band so the venue was changed yet again, this time to the Park Gate Hotel, Bagshot where two lodges and a Chapter which also met at Agincourt Hall had their meals.

The November meeting was seriously disrupted by bad road traffic causing most members to be very late.  The January meeting was planned to include Bro Colin Wantling's Second Degree as he had been invited to be raised in a lodge at Monmouth in March.  Constitutionally a month must separate the two degrees.  

The weather was very stormy and he was delayed in the West Country, so the meeting proceeded without him. As the Restaurant had no electricity there was no Festive Board and when Bro Colin arrived the WM proceeded to carry out another Second Degree for him.

The lodge inventory was expanded by donations of aprons from Bro Colin Wantling and Bro John Scoffield and 3 Steward's collars by Bro Peter Walker.

£3000 was donated to charities including the Lodge Benevolent Fund.

Subscriptions were increased on 1st July to £40, the first change for five years.  The Initiation fee was increased to £60 and the Joining fee to £40, both being changed for the first time since the Consecration in 1982

1990/1991 The Ninth Year


W.Bro Roger Matthews took the chair at the Installation Meeting which was St Crispin's Day, and as he had a month earlier reached the chair of his mother lodge dispensation was required.  Bro Derek Hilton stepped down as Treasurer and the office was taken up by Bro Peter Walker.

The representative of the Prov Grand Master was W.Bro Michael Shawcross.


Inititations were: Bro Peter Applegate, Bro Terry Griffiths and Bro Andreas Stavrinides.  Those who were passed to the Second Degree were:  Bro Joe Webster and Bro Keith Watson. Promotions to the Third Degree were: Bro Bruce Cousins and Bro Bill Alexander.   Bro Bill was unable to attend the April meeting when he was listed on the agenda to take his Third Degree, so the Secretary proposed that an alternative candidate be raised.  Bro Ron Timmis was next in line and willing to take part, thus he was raised at that meeting instead.


W.Bro Ray Yeowell was promoted to PPAsstG Supt of Works.  W.Bro Mike Lindsay was promoted to PPJGD through Agincourt Lodge.


The DC talks included: the cable tow and the Master Mason's apron.  As it was St Crisipin's Day, The DC gave a lecture on the origins and development of the Lodge, its aims, how the name arose, how the banner was designed and some of the unique traditions.

Ladies Night was held at a hotel in Bournemouth and £700 was raised for Make a Wish.  Other charity donations included £400 for the Paul Bevan Foundation which was the organisation specialising in assisting research into cancer, and was given in the memory of Bro Gerry Rees-Jones.

Several members having complained about the Secretary's  'grey' gloves clubbed together to replace them.

The lodge accounts were, for some strange reason, adopted one by one with a vote on each, rather than as a whole.

1991 / 1992 The Tenth Year


W.Bro Dave Davies became WM. W.Bro Roger Matthews who had already installed his successor in his mother lodge offered W.Bro Alan Bevins the opportunity of Installing W.Bro Dave.   W.Bro Dave was the tenth Master and the first initiate to reach the chair, and as W.Bro Alan had proposed him and initiated him, and was also the first Master it was an historic occasion.

The representative of the Provincial Grand Master was W.Bro Alan Fordham.


In the Installation ceremony, the Fellowcrafts failed to return when they were expected, and, as the new SD and JD were absent, the Past Masters did a musical chairs routine during the appointment of the officers to ensure each of the Deacons and Wardens chairs had an occupant at all times.

Initiates were:  Bro Jim Foyle, Bro Mike Lawson and Bro Mike Yorke.  Bro Peter Applegate, Bro Jim Foyle and Bro Andreas Stavrinides were passed to the Second Degree.  Bro Joe Webster and Bro Keith Watson were raised to the Third Degree.

W.Bro Vic Soane was promoted to PPAGDC.

In December, W.Bro Harry Tribe died at the age of 82.  A very well respected member who had continued to attend regularly although he had knee problems and could only walk aided by a stick.   Bro Ken Eagle resigned.

The DC talks included: the use of ashlars, and the reason the EA apron flap is not folded down in this lodge.

W.Bro Mike Stilton as Almoner had spent a great deal on time in arranging support from the RMI for Boys and Girls for the late Bro Maury Mills' family reported that the effort had been successful.

Bro Secretary created, and the lodge committee agreed, a two page summary of the St Crispin differences so that members could be better informed.

The Ladies Night was held at the Civic Hall, Camberley and was extremely well attended.

Bro Colin Wantling who typesets and prints the agendas, printed on blue paper.  This met with members approval although on the first try the paper colour was a little dark.  The lighter blue paper for subsequent issues was well received.

Donations to charity included £500 to the New Samaritan Fund, £1104 to the 1997 festival, £250 to the RMBI, and £554 to Make a Wish.

1992 / 1993 The Eleventh Year


W.Bro Sid Lloyd became WM.  At the Installation meeting Bro Peter Walker stepped down as Treasurer and W.Bro Mike Lowdon took up the office.

The Representative of the Provincial Grand Master at the Installation Meeting was W.Bro Alan Fordham who said he enjoyed himself so much last year, he wanted to come back.  The following September, there was another visit, this time W.Bro George Hambling.

Initiates were; Bro Bill Gascoigne, and Bro John Mintern.  Candidates passed were: Bro Mike Lawson, and Bro Mike Yorke.  Third Degree candidates were:  Bro Peter Applegate, and Bro Terry Griffiths.  Joiners were: Bro Edward Rawlings and W.Bro Micky Woodford.

Bro Jim Foyle was raised to the Third Degree in May in St Mary Islington Lodge witnessed by many St Crispin members.  Bro Mike Yorke was raised on 25th October in Ickenham St Giles Lodge, Uxbridge where W.Bro Dave Davies was in the chair.  Several St Crispin members are also members there.

W.Bro Ray Ody was promoted to PPAGDC.   W.Bro Mike Stilton, also promoted to PPAGDC, was chosen as one on the special list of promotions to commemorate the 275th Anniversary of Freemasonry.  W.Bro John Whittaker a Founder was promoted to PGStdB the first member to reach Grand rank but through his mother lodge in Hampshire. 

W.Bro Mike Lindsay one of the Founders resigned from the lodge.  The membership stood at 50.

Bro John Scoffield donated a candle snuffer to the lodge equipment inventory.

Bro Bill Gascoigne became very ill unexpectedly during a planned operation and all were very pleased he recovered very quickly indeed to return to the lodge a little shaky but not stirred.

A skittles evening held in conjunction with the Rose of Hampshire Lodge was successful raising £210 of which the St Crispin proportion would go to the 1997 Festival.   W.Bro Micky Woodford and W.Bro Ray Innes were the instigators of the event as usual.  Bro Derek Lowdon organised a supper for Class of Instruction members and their ladies at the Farnborough Masonic Club which was well supported.


The Ladies Night at the Lismoyne Hotel in Fleet was also well supported and very successful.  Â£225 was donated to the 1997 Festival.   

1993 / 1994 The Twelfth Year


W.Bro Derek Lowdon succeeded to the WM chair.  The year's meetings proved very slick and shorter than had been experienced for many years which showed the success of the Class of Instruction which was masterminded by W.Bro Derek over the past few years.

There was no visit from Province since there were two visits last year.

Initiates were: Bro Alan Webster, son of Bro Joe, Bro Dave Cooper, and Bro Gerald Creese-Smith.  Second Degree candidates were: Bro Bill Gascoigne and Bro John Mintern.  Third Degree candidate was Bro Mike Lawson.

W.Bro Ken Paynter a Founder who has been living in Cornwall for many years was promoted to PPJGD in that province.


Bro Joe Webster died in January after a short illness.  In his short time in the lodge he had become very popular among members. 

In April, the dining moved to Camberley Rugby Club as the Park Gate Hotel was about to close and be converted into apartments.  The venue was chosen because the caterer had set up there and other lodges had moved there too.  The meal price was changed to £10 much to the delight of the stewards who had strained with the odd amount of £9.50 for years. A very successful Ladies Week-end was held at the Savoy Hotel Bournemouth, it was well attended and was organised by Bro.’s Brian James and Bob Reed.


1994 / 1995 The Thirteenth Year


W.Bro Brian James became WM.  The year's meetings were short, businesslike, very well ordered and efficient, and it was clear that regular attendance at the Class of Instruction had been of great assistance in his performance of the role.


The representative of the Provincial Grand Master at the October meeting was W Bro E.N.Gudge. There were no Provincial appointments this year.

Ceremonies carried out during the year were:  Initiation, Bro Lionel Peacock, Passing, Bro Alan Webster, Bro Dave Cooper, and Bro Gerald Creese-Smith, and Raising,  Bro John Mintern, and Bro Alan Webster.

Bro Mike Lawson and Bro Colin Griffiths resigned, and there were three exclusions, Bro Alan Cole, Bro Andy Cruickshank, and Bro Bill Vincent. 

At the end of the year W Bro Alan Bevins stepped down as Secretary, having been in that position since the beginning in May 1980, except for a year as the first WM after Consecration in 1982.  Two others stepped down, W Bro Arthur Towner who was DC for seven years, and W Bro Ray Innes who was Charity Steward for four years. This gave the next WM a big task in finding their replacements.

Subscriptions changed on 1st July to £48.00, an odd amount which was to allow for payment monthly if members so wished.  The Initiation fee became £75.00. 

The Benevolent Fund was wound up and transferred to the Relief Chest, an arrangement which is managed by The Grand Charity.  Recent changes in law had put considerable legal onus on the three trustees appointed by the lodge and the Relief Chest scheme was set up to assist lodges in overcoming these changes.

The dining continued at the Camberley Rugby Club.  W Bro Brian arranged for the May dinner to include ladies which was well received, and the members view was that similar occasions should continue in future years and that it should revert to the April meeting to become the Lodge’s St.Georges Evening, which this one was meant to have been, but the arrangements could not be made in time. 

W Bro Vic Soane was appointed to represent the lodge on the new United Lodges Masonic Club, being set up to run Agincourt Hall.

Ladies Night was held at the Harlington Centre in Fleet at a cost of £25.50 per person.  It was a good venue, well attended, very successful, and a credit to W Bro Brian and W Bro Ray Innes together with W Bro Peter Applegate and Keith Watson assisting him in organising the occasion.£325 was raised and was donated to the Naomi House Childrens Hospice at Sutton Scotney.

The Lodge Furniture was again increased by the donation of a Heavy Maul and a further set of gavels by W. Bro. Brian James.

1995/1996 The Fourteenth Year


W. Bro Bob Reed became Master, W.Bro. Arthur Towner was appointed Secretary, W. Bro. Ray Innes was appointed DC, W. Bro. Derek Lowden was appointed Charity Steward and W.Bro. Vic Soane was appointed ADC. This ‘musical chairs’ of Officers was initiated by W. Bro. Alan Bevins stepping down as Secretary after many years service, in preparation for his emigration to New Zealand.

The year was a significant milestone in the Lodge’s history, as after several meetings with Agincourt Halls Ltd. and not receiving a satisfactory answer from them as to the future of Agincourt Hall and its renovation, the Lodge voted to move to the Farnborough Masonic Centre. After obtaining the necessary dispensations from both the Provinces of Hampshire & IOW and Surrey, the Lodge was relocated to Farnborough in time for the first meeting of the new season in September. The first Ceremony performed in our new surroundings was a Passing for Bro. Ian Cousins with W. Bro. Vic Soane taking the Masters Chair.

The Ceremonies carried out during the year were:

  • Initiation: Bro. Ian Cousins & Bro. Graham Shepherd-Jones

  • Passing: Bro. Lionel Peacock & Bro. Ian Cousins

  • Raising: Bro. David Cooper & Bro. Gerald Creese-Smith

  • W. Bro. Tony Pentith joined the Lodge and unfortunately due to other commitments in Chapter W. Bro. Michael Woodford resigned.

  • The Lodge had its annual Skittles match with the Rose of Hampshire Lodge and won the tournament, which made it ‘honours even’. The St.George’s Night was continued and this year on the correct date.

The Ladies Festival was held at the Highcliffe Hotel in Bournemouth and due to the efforts of the W.M. and W.Bro Ray Innes was a resounding success. 

1996/1997 The Fifteenth Year


W. Bro. Bruce Cousins became Master and the Ceremony was unusual to say the least, in fact another first for St. Crispin. W. Bro.Bob Reed who was driving down from Northampton for the meeting was, unbeknown to the Brethren, delayed by a traffic accident on the M1. The Official Visitor was W. Bro. H.A.Davis PSGD APGM, accompanied by W.Bro.W.P.Harding PJGD.



  • Minutes of meeting with Deputy Provincial Grand Master 10th October 1981.

  • Letter to Provincial Grand Master which accompanied the Petition.

  • The Petition

  • Badge as approved by the Grand Master

  • The Consecration Summons

  • Officers in each successive year


Proposed St Crispin Lodge


Meeting 10th October 1981 with Deputy Provincial Grand Master
(at Guildford Masonic Centre)


W Bro H G Daniels (Dep Prov GM)

W Bro Bill Page (Dep Prov G Sec)

W Bro Alan Bevins
W Bro Arthur Towner
Bro Derek Craven
Bro Mike Lindsay
W Bro Harry Tribe
W Bro Stuart Stear
W Bro John Whittaker
W Bro John Smith

Bro Ray Ody

Bro Ken Paynter



Bro Vic Soane

Bro Nigel Allen

Bro Mike Stilton

Bro Charles Arnold



V W Dep Prov GM greeted each prospective founder individually and made an appropriate comment or question on their lodge membership or freemasonry career.



a) Prospective founders were asked to indicate their reasons for forming the new lodge to which the answer, in summary, was to provide a means of developing the Craft in the area, and fulfil a growing need for young masons to progress to the Master's Chair in a reasonable time.

b) The choice of name - the answer was to indicate a relationship to the sponsoring lodge - Agincourt  (ie The Battle of Agincourt which was fought on St Crispin's day 25th October 1415).


c) The potential badge was described, emphasising the masonic connotations of St Crispin and his brother St Crispinian who were craftsmen in leather, did much charitable work and were martyred for so doing.

d) Consecration would take place at Croydon and most of the cost would be borne by prospective founders. Regular contact with Prov G Sec's office would determine the details and requirements. Prov GDC would require several rehearsals and, apart from the one on the morning of the Consecration itself, they would be arranged elsewhere than Croydon.  On Consecration day, a rehearsal would be held in the morning, a buffet lunch for founders (who pay for it) and the main meeting at about 3.30pm.  During the call off, tea would be provided for 'working officers/founders'.  After the meeting, a special bar is required for Consecrating Officers (paid for by founders) with special ticket admission. Some guests of Prov GM will be paid for by Province.


e) Charities the new lodge is expected to support Prov GM list for the 1983 Boys Festival.  A collection may be held at the Consecration dinner if desired.  The founders fee may also include provision for the first charity donation.


f) Surrey Halls Fund    All Surrey masons are expected to pay £1.00 per year to the fund which provides financial assistance to masonic halls in the province.


g) Sports   Surrey masons may voluntarily join the association by subscription of 30p per year (not collected in lodge subs).


h) Ritual  Prov GM does not lay down what ritual to follow and thus choice is that of the founders. However, quality of working is desirable and Dep Prov GM was advised that Emulation working would be worked with a guide book created by the founders and directed by the DC and his successors.


i) Instruction  Dep Prov GM recommended that some time be set aside for instruction rather than purely degree working.  It was affirmed that the founders intended to arrange for regular 3 to 5 min talks on specific subjects to be held and some meetings set aside for lectures.


j) Past Masters progressing through office was not supported by Prov GM except where it may be necessary to step in in an emergency for a brother who could not continue.

k) After proceedings  It would be expected that successive Masters be given training on how to conduct the affairs of the Festive Board.  A toast to the visitors which may be sung will be sent to W Bro Alan Bevins.

Toast/speeches would be minimal and short.  This is in line with founders views.

l) Model by-laws  are available, approved by Grand Master and will be sent to W Bro Alan Bevins.

m) Lodge Accounts  A guide booklet will be provided.


n) Non-Masonic charities  Current by-laws permit donations to such charities.  In any event, this may be done if the WM declares so before a collection takes place.  However, the expected annual commitment to Prov GM list would still happen.

o) Meeting place   The desire to meet at Rackstraw Farm Restaurant, owned by a prospective joining member was outlined, this being a purpose-built place about to be constructed.

Agincourt Hall was given as an alternative.


p) Meeting frequency  was given as 7 times per year.

q) Clearance certificates  are required from all lodges founders are or have been members.  W Bro Alan Bevins will discuss with Agincourt Sec for those who are members of that lodge.

r) Tools and furniture  Some may be borrowed from Agincourt Lodge, (if the meetings are at Agincourt Hall) some will be provided by Rackstraw (if the meetings are held there) and some will be purchased.  The latter is likely to include collars/jewels, square and compasses, VSL.

s) Future  Dep Prov GM indicated that the future of the lodge was important particularly the continued inflow of members.  Two initiates were mentioned and two joiners.

t) Timescale  The petition was handed to W Bro Alan Bevins for completion and all founders will need to sign this.  Agincourt Lodge will be asked to sponsor St Crispin at a future meeting, probably in January.  The petition then goes back to Prov G Sec for onward transmission to Grand Lodge for the March 1982 meeting.  Consecration may be in May 1982 but more likely in Sep/Oct since Provincial admin is normally very busy in May/June each year.  Founders felt that Consecration near to St Crispin's Day seemed a good idea.

u) Admin  Dep Prov GM thanked all Founders for their preparation and wished them success in the future.




In a committee room at Farnborough Masonic Club on: 12 November, 28 January, 25 February, 25 March, 22 April, 27 May, 24 June


ABB   10 October 1981 (Copied from the original.)

Cover letter to the Petition

W Bro Alan B Bevins
5 St Catherines Road
Frimley Green
Surrey  GU16 6PY

20 March 1982



RW Bro The Earl of Shannon
Provincial Grand Master
Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey
71 Oakfield Road
Surrey  CR0 2UX

Dear Sir and RW Brother,



On behalf of my brother petitioners I wish to submit for your consideration, a petition for a new lodge, to meet at Agincourt Hall Camberley, on seven occasions each year, hoping it will meet your approval and consequent recommendation to MW the Grand Master.

The petitioners are brethren who are drawn from a variety of backgrounds, and all are living within a short travelling distance of the proposed meeting place.  Some of them are members of London lodges who wish to meet in a Provincial lodge, others are members of lodges in other Provinces who wish to be associated with Surrey, whilst all the petitioners desire an opportunity of meeting together at a time and place convenient to their business and private lives and this proposed lodge provides that opportunity.

Even more importantly, the petitioners feel a desire to develop the spirit of Freemasonry in the area knowing that existing lodges, particularly the sponsoring lodge (Agincourt No 7172) have large memberships and the continued desire for entry by potential new members is such that younger Masons are likely to experience some considerable waiting time before succeeding to high office.

This latter factor together with the knowledge that several potential initiates of good character known to the petitioners have been discussed by them, leads to the opinion that the continuity of the new lodge is assured.


The petitioners recognise that there are great responsibilities which accompany the continuity of a new lodge and are confident they can build and develop a lodge of which they and the Province and indeed the Craft as a whole can be proud; and pledge their loyalty to the Province and MW the Grand Master.

Whilst pledging their allegiance to the new lodge, the petitioners desire to continue their existing commitments to lodges of which they are members.

At the same time, except in unforeseen circumstances Past Masters will not seek progressive office towards occupying the Chair and will actively encourage the development of Masons who are younger in experience to themselves.

The name 'St Crispin' is put for your approval for several reasons.

Firstly, the connection with the Sponsoring Lodge (Agincourt No 7172), the Battle of Agincourt having been fought on St Crispin's Day (25th October 1415), a connection which the petitioners intend to keep firm and strong.

Secondly, St Crispin and St Crispinian who were brothers, did much for charity, and were craftsmen in leather.  They were martyred for their good work, making shoes for those in need.

The petitioners wish to ensure that the new St Crispin Lodge will be worthy of the spirit of its name and develop into a fine strong and worthwhile body from a relatively small humble beginning, subject to the granting of this petition.

Yours sincerely and fraternally,


Alan B Bevins
Organising Secretary.

Founders and First Officers


W.Bro Alan Bevins - Worshipful Master
W.Bro Arthur Towner - Immediate Past Master

Bro Nigel Allen - Senior Warden

Bro Ray A Yeowell - acting Senior Warden

W.Bro Vic G Soane - Junior Warden

W.Bro Harry G Tribe, PPJGW - Chaplain
W.Bro John R Whittaker - Treasurer
W.Bro Derek N Craven - Secretary

Bro C Mike Lindsay - Director of Ceremonies

Bro Mike G Stilton - Senior Deacon

Bro Ray A Ody - Junior Deacon

W.Bro Ken Paynter - Charity Steward

Bro Ray A Yeowell - Almoner
W.Bro Ian S Marshall - Asst Director of Ceremonies
W.Bro Bob H Davies, PPAGDC (Middx) - Asst Secretary

Bro Mike T Lowdon - Inner Guard
Bro Charles H Arnold - Steward

Bro Gerry E A Rees-Jones - Steward

W.Bro Stuart O Stear

W.Bro John G R Smith


Bro Alan Holland - Tyler



Consecrating Officers

Who were elected Honorary members


R.W.Bro The Rt Hon the Earl of Shannon - Provincial Grand Master

V.W.Bro Lt-Col H G Daniels, PGSwdB - Deputy Prov Grand Master


W.Bro J C Hounsfield, PSGD - Asst Prov Grand Master
W.Bro S T Hayes, PSGD - Asst Prov Grand Master
W.Bro R H C Pegrum, PSGD - Asst Prov Grand Master
W.Bro Lt-Col H W Malthouse, PSGD - Asst Prov Grand Master
W.Bro H G C Cave, PSGD - Asst Prov Grand Master
W.Bro L G T Rice, PSGD - Asst Prov Grand Master
W.Bro P A Toler, PAGDC - Asst Prov Grand Master

W.Bro T Doyle, Prov SGW - Senior Warden
W.Bro A R Tysoe, Prov JGW - Junior Warden

W.Bro Rev W C Hill, Prov Dep.G.Chap - Chaplain
W.Bro Major S C Holmes, PPJGW, Prov.G.Sec - Secretary
W.Bro J B Toler, AGDC, Prov GDC - Director of Ceremonies

W.Bro T M A Higgins, Prov G.Org. - Organist

W.Bro H M Sharpe, PGStwd, Prov Dep.GDC - Inner Guard



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